In continuation to my previous article, today we will discuss how can you transform from a beginner guitarist to an intermediate guitarist.
So what is the difference between a beginner and intermediate guitarist? Is it the guitar, amp or the skill and knowledge?
It’s actually a combination of all the above. Let’s address all pointers one by one.
Music Theory
As an intermediate guitarist, you should have covered the basics of the beginner guitar. Also, are either working or already know the following:
- All your open positions major and minor chords, including – add9, 7th, minor 7th.
- Know the chord progressions of a few major or minor keys.
- Able to play your pentatonic/blues pentatonic scale all over the fretboard.
- All barre chords of Major and Minor with E, Am, Em and A shapes.
- Able to switch between chords without any rhythm break or string skipping.
- Able to cover a few songs from the likes of Green Day, Eric Clapton, AC/DC, etc.
- Lastly, you are able to churn out a few licks/riffs of your own in a key of chord progressions.

The Guitar
An intermediate guitar is not anymore the cheap $100 (INR 7500) Squier or a local brand.
Provided you are financially stable, you should consider upgrading your beginner guitar towards a better quality guitar.
Brands like Ibanez, Cort, Fender are easily available across India and worldwide. They sell quality guitars in the range of $200-300 (INR 15000 – 22500).
My suggestions for Intermediate electric guitars are:

My suggestions for Intermediate acoustic guitars are:

My suggestions for Intermediate guitar amps are:
What’s next?
If you already know all the above music theory, you have covered a massive ground in the world of guitar.
Since this is the longest part of anyone’s guitar journey, I suggest you take your time at this stage.
The next set of things you should now focus on are as follows:
- Understanding arpeggios and how to apply them.
- Exploring chord voicings across all fretboard.
- Practicing rhythm patterns and soloign over a given key.
- Exploring techniques such as – alternate picking, tremolo picking, sweep picking, tapping and creating artificial harmonics.
In my next article, we shall discuss an advanced level guitarist, and why only a few make it there. Till then, keep practising.