In this section of Guitar Eternity, I discuss the mental and philosophical aspect of guitar playing. Discover the challenges one faces while playing the guitar.
Welcome back, dear readers! As I was scrolling through Facebook Marketplace the other day to check out some used guitars and gears, I found out that most of the guitars listed were bought quite recently.
These guitars...
Welcome back, readers! Today we will discuss the top 5 things you should know before you start playing the guitar.
This article is based on my experience and points which I wish knew before I started my musical...
Lower back pain is a major issue that prevents a guitar player from achieving its goals. Lower back pain usually happens due to poor postures, a herniated disc in the L5-S1 region or playing in the same...
Why can't we stay motivated and inspired to play this instrument or start to learn this instrument? And what if we do, how it will benefit us? Let’s try to answer these queries one by one.